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•   Brenda Cox (Clark)  2/13
•   Horwood (Chip) Myers  2/27
•   Martha Roberson (Lanning)  3/1
•   John Ed (Buddy) Johnson, Jr.  3/2
•   J. Taylor Doggett  3/8
•   Gloria Shaw (Barker)  3/8
•   Mary Ann McNeely (Hawley)  3/10
•   William Strange  3/10


The Holidays are upon us and we find ourselves in a planning mode for those and the new year.  To begin, your committee wants to let you know that our GHS Scholarship has a balance of $6,173.  What a great holiday gift it would be to honor someone or their memory with your contribution to our class of ’56 scholarship.  Yes, our GHS class of ’56 is the only class in GHS history to offer a scholarship to GHS students.  Please continue to grow our scholarship balance.

Looking ahead to the Spring, your committee would like to know if you are interested in having a Spring Luncheon.  Our last luncheon had a much smaller turnout than usual and so it is time to get a better assessment of your interest.  It is getting, for some of us, more difficult to get up and out.

Please keep in touch and do give us an update on your whereabouts, have you moved recently, changed your phone number or email address.  If so, please let us know so we can continue to keep you in the GHS CLASS OF ’56 LOOP!

Happy Holidays to all of you and our very best wishes from your planning committee,

Marie, Suzanne, Manley, Jimmy and Alan

GHS Class of '56 Scholarship Fund

Mail to:  Susan Caruthers, Treasurer

                  GHS Alumni Association

                  P.O. Box 4241

                  Greensboro, NC  27404-4241


Greensboro newspaper


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